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所罗门群岛(英语:Solomon Islands),是南太平洋的一个岛国,位于太平洋西南部,属美拉尼西亚群岛。西南距澳大利亚1600公里,西距巴布亚新几内亚485公里,东南与瓦努阿图隔海相望。陆地面积2.84万平方公里,海洋专属经济区面积160万平方公里。全境有大小岛屿900多个,最大的瓜达尔卡纳尔岛面积6475平方公里。境内多火山、河流。属热带雨林气候,终年炎热,无旱季。“首都为霍尼亚拉,年均气温28℃,年均降水量3000-3500毫米。截至2022年6月,所罗门群岛人口约72万。94.5%为美拉尼西亚人。














 "A captivating view of the Skull Island, located in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands. This small island is known for its outdoor shrine, which contains the skulls of local chiefs and warriors, a testament to the region's headhunting past. The painting showcases the mystical atmosphere of the island, with the skull shrine at the center, surrounded by dense tropical vegetation. The background features the calm waters of the lagoon, reflecting the lush greenery and the sky at dusk, adding a layer of tranquility to the scene.




A high-definition digital painting depicting a tropical beach in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands. The scene includes a wide sandy beach lined with lush palm trees, clear turquoise waters, and a vibrant coral reef visible near the shore. A traditional Melanesian thatched hut is visible, and a few locals are seen fishing with spears. The sky is clear and sunny, enhancing the serene and inviting ambiance of the tropical paradise.




A digital painting of a traditional village in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands. The scene shows a cluster of wooden huts with thatched roofs, nestled among tropical rainforest vegetation. Villagers in traditional attire are engaged in daily activities, such as weaving baskets and preparing food over an open fire. The setting is peaceful, with birds perched on tree branches and a small stream flowing through the village.




A digital painting capturing a serene lake in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands. The scene features a crystal-clear lake surrounded by lush green hills and dense tropical foliage. A wooden canoe is gently floating on the water, with a local fisherman casting a net. The sky is a soft pastel hue of dawn, reflecting off the water and creating a peaceful, tranquil atmosphere.




A high-definition digital painting of a bustling market in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands. The scene is vibrant with color, showing a busy outdoor market filled with stalls selling fresh fruits, vegetables, and local crafts. Indigenous people in colorful traditional dress are bargaining and socializing. The background features a mix of traditional thatched huts and lush tropical plants, under a bright sunny sky.




A digital painting of a scenic coastal pathway in Isabel Province, Solomon Islands. The image captures a rugged coastline with a narrow path winding along the cliff's edge, offering breathtaking views of the Pacific Ocean. The path is flanked by wild tropical vegetation, and a couple of tourists can be seen enjoying the hike. The ocean is a deep blue with waves gently crashing against the cliffs below, under a bright, sunny sky.




A vibrant digital painting of a picturesque beach on the coast of Central Province, Solomon Islands. The scene includes a pristine sandy beach with crystal-clear turquoise waters. There are traditional canoes docked on the shore, surrounded by lush tropical vegetation. A small group of tourists can be seen snorkeling near the vibrant coral reef, under a bright blue sky with fluffy white clouds.




A detailed digital painting depicting a bustling market scene in Central Province, Solomon Islands. The market is lively with local vendors selling colorful tropical fruits, vegetables, and handcrafted goods. People of various ethnicities are seen browsing and bargaining. The backdrop shows a mix of traditional thatched huts and modern stalls, under a vibrant sky. The atmosphere is vibrant, capturing the essence of a busy day at the local market.




A high-definition digital painting of a serene waterfall located in the Central Province, Solomon Islands. The scene captures a majestic waterfall cascading over rocky cliffs surrounded by dense tropical rainforest. The mist from the waterfall creates a rainbow in the sunlight. There are a few local villagers enjoying a picnic on the rocks nearby, adding a human element to the natural beauty.




A digital painting of an ancient tribal village in Central Province, Solomon Islands. The village is nestled among lush greenery, featuring traditional round huts made of bamboo and thatch. Villagers in colorful attire are seen engaging in traditional crafts and daily activities. A prominent totem pole stands in the center of the village, symbolizing the rich cultural heritage of the tribe. The scene is set during a vibrant sunset, casting warm hues over the landscape.




A digital painting showcasing a traditional fishing scene in Central Province, Solomon Islands. The image features a calm bay with crystal clear waters where a group of fishermen are using traditional methods, including nets and spears. A few small boats are scattered across the water. The background includes a verdant tropical island with coconut palms. The setting sun casts a golden light over the scene, creating a peaceful and picturesque environment.




A digital painting of a stunning mountain range in Central Province, Solomon Islands. The scene captures rugged peaks covered in lush tropical foliage, with a winding river flowing through the valley below. A few hikers can be seen on a trail, enjoying the scenic views. The sky is dynamic, with rays of sunlight breaking through the clouds, illuminating parts of the mountain range and creating a dramatic and beautiful landscape.




A digital painting of a tranquil beach scene in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands. The artwork captures a remote beach with golden sands and crystal-clear blue waters. The scene includes traditional thatched huts along the shoreline, lush greenery, and a canoe resting on the shore. The atmosphere is peaceful with a few seabirds flying overhead and the sun setting in the background, casting a warm glow over the water.




A vibrant digital painting of a bustling market scene in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands. This artwork depicts a colorful outdoor market with diverse vendors selling tropical fruits, vegetables, and local crafts. The market is set against a backdrop of dense tropical foliage, and the local people, dressed in bright traditional attire, are actively engaging with shoppers. The scene is lively, capturing the cultural richness and vibrancy of the local community.




A digital painting of a serene river winding through a lush rainforest in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands. The river is flanked by towering trees and dense undergrowth, reflecting a rich green hue in the water. A wooden canoe is gently floating down the river, manned by a local fisherman. The scene is tranquil, with sunlight filtering through the canopy, creating patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor and river surface.




A digital painting of a traditional village in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands. The village is depicted with rustic thatched huts arranged around a communal area with a large fire pit. Villagers in traditional attire are seen participating in a dance ritual, with others sitting and watching. The environment is lush with tropical trees and plants, and the setting sun casts a warm, golden light over the scene, enhancing the community feel.




A digital painting capturing an early morning at a fishing pier in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands. The scene shows a long wooden pier extending into a calm sea, with fishermen preparing their nets and boats for the day. The sky is painted with hues of pink and orange as the sun rises, reflecting on the water's surface. Seagulls are flying above, and the distant silhouette of islands adds depth to the serene maritime landscape.




A digital painting of a panoramic view of the Taro Island in Choiseul Province, Solomon Islands. This scene depicts the island from a high vantage point, showcasing its lush vegetation, coastal mangroves, and clear blue surrounding waters. Traditional boats are visible along the shore, and a few small, local houses are scattered across the island. The sky is clear with a few fluffy clouds, adding a serene and idyllic atmosphere to the tropical setting.




Create a digital painting of a lush, tropical rainforest waterfall in Guadalcanal Province, Solomon Islands. The scene should be vibrant and peaceful, featuring a cascading waterfall surrounded by dense, green foliage. Include colorful tropical flowers and a small clear pool at the base of the waterfall. Sunlight filters through the canopy, highlighting the mist from the waterfall and creating a magical atmosphere. This tranquil natural setting aims to capture the essence of Guadalcanal's untouched beauty.




Create a digital painting of a vibrant coral reef off the coast of Makira-Ulawa Province, Solomon Islands. The underwater scene is rich in color, featuring a variety of corals, sea anemones, and tropical fish. The water is clear and blue, with rays of sunlight piercing through to illuminate the marine life. A pair of divers are exploring the reef, adding a sense of adventure and discovery to the scene. This painting should capture the dynamic biodiversity and beauty of the ocean in this region.




Create a digital painting of a traditional village in Makira-Ulawa Province, Solomon Islands. The scene features a cluster of thatched huts arranged around a central clearing, with a backdrop of dense tropical forest. Villagers are depicted engaging in daily activities such as weaving, cooking, and playing traditional music. The atmosphere is lively and culturally rich, showcasing the unique architecture and customs of the local people. This painting aims to provide a glimpse into the traditional lifestyle in Makira-Ulawa Province.




Create a digital painting of a scenic coastal view at sunset in Makira-Ulawa Province, Solomon Islands. The foreground shows a sandy beach with palm trees gently swaying in the breeze. The background features a dramatic sky painted with hues of orange, pink, and purple as the sun sets over the ocean. A small wooden canoe rests on the shore, symbolizing the local way of life. This tranquil and picturesque scene captures the serene beauty of the province's coastal landscape.




Create a digital painting of the Bauro Highlands in Makira-Ulawa Province, Solomon Islands. The scene should depict the lush green hills and valleys characteristic of the highlands. Include a meandering river and patches of local crops like taro and yams. The sky is clear with a few fluffy clouds, emphasizing the vibrant natural scenery. This landscape painting should capture the tranquil and fertile environment of the highlands, showcasing the natural beauty and agricultural richness of the area.




Create a digital painting of Star Harbour in Makira-Ulawa Province, Solomon Islands. The scene captures a tranquil harbor with crystal-clear turquoise waters. The shoreline is dotted with traditional wooden houses on stilts, surrounded by lush tropical vegetation. Local boats, both motorized and canoes, are anchored near the shore. The painting should evoke a sense of peaceful coastal life, highlighting the harmonious relationship between the local community and their marine environment.




Create a digital painting of Langa Langa Lagoon in Malaita Province, Solomon Islands. This vibrant scene features the famous artificial islands built on coral reefs, with stilt houses made of traditional materials. The lagoon's water is a stunning turquoise, reflecting a sunny sky. Local canoes, known as 'kano', are seen near the islands, with villagers going about their daily fishing activities. This painting captures the unique cultural and geographic features of Langa Langa Lagoon, a key tourist attraction.




Create a digital painting of a bustling market scene in Auki, the capital of Malaita Province, Solomon Islands. The market is filled with colorful stalls selling fresh fruits, vegetables, and local crafts. People of diverse ages and ethnic backgrounds are interacting and bargaining. The background shows the busy streets of Auki with small shops and tropical trees. This lively and cultural scene highlights the daily life and community spirit of Malaita Province's capital.




Create a digital painting of the serene Busu River in Malaita Province, Solomon Islands. This picturesque scene captures the river winding through lush tropical forests. The banks are dotted with various trees and plants unique to the Solomon Islands. In the background, distant mountains rise under a clear blue sky. A small wooden boat is visible on the river, with a local fisherman casting his net. This tranquil and natural setting highlights one of the major attractions of Malaita Province.




Create a digital painting of the Malaita Outer Islands, a group of small, picturesque islands in Malaita Province, Solomon Islands. The view captures a pristine beach with powdery white sand, surrounded by crystal-clear blue waters. Palm trees provide shade along the beach, and a traditional thatched hut is visible. A sailboat is anchored offshore, reflecting the island lifestyle. This idyllic scene showcases the unspoiled beauty and tranquility of Malaita's outer islands, making it a major tourist attraction.




Create a digital painting of the Mount Kolovrat range in Malaita Province, Solomon Islands. This dramatic landscape scene showcases the rugged mountain peaks covered with dense tropical forests. The foreground features a clear stream flowing over smooth rocks, framed by wild ferns and flowers unique to the Solomon Islands. A hiker can be seen in the distance, exploring the trail that leads up the mountain. This painting captures the adventurous and natural beauty of Mount Kolovrat, a popular destination in Malaita.


在所罗门群岛雷内尔和贝罗纳省的雷内尔岛(Rennell Island)创作一幅被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产的特加诺湖的数字绘画。这幅画应该描绘被茂密的热带森林包围的广阔淡水湖。场景包括本地鸟类和散布在平静水面上的小型传统独木舟,在日落时反射出宁静的天空,增强了这个主要旅游景点的自然美景和孤立感。


Create a digital painting of Lake Tegano, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Rennell Island, part of Rennell and Bellona Province, Solomon Islands. The painting should depict the expansive freshwater lake surrounded by dense tropical forest. The scene includes native bird species and small traditional canoes scattered along the calm waters, reflecting the serene sky at sunset, enhancing the natural beauty and isolation of this major tourist attraction.




Create a digital painting of the beautiful beaches of Vanikoro Island in Temotu Province, Solomon Islands. This painting should capture a pristine sandy beach with clear turquoise waters and lush tropical vegetation in the background. Include a few traditional canoes along the shore and a vibrant sunset casting golden hues across the scene, reflecting the untouched natural beauty and serenity of this tourist attraction.




Create a digital painting of the Roviana Lagoon in Western Province, Solomon Islands. This artwork should depict a serene lagoon view with emerald green waters and surrounding dense mangroves. Include a small traditional village with stilt houses along the water's edge and a few locals in canoes fishing. The sky should be vivid with the colors of an early morning, reflecting the peaceful and untouched atmosphere of this popular tourist attraction.

