佛得角共和国(英语:The Republic of Cabo Verde,葡萄牙语:República de Cabo Verde),简称佛得角,是非洲的一个国家。位于北大西洋的佛得角群岛上,东距非洲大陆最西点佛得角(塞内加尔境内)500多公里,扼欧洲与南美洲、南非间交通要冲,包括圣安唐、圣尼古拉、萨尔、博阿维什塔、福古、圣地亚哥等15个大小岛屿,分北面的向风群岛和南面的背风群岛两组。民族语言为克里奥尔语,国土面积4033平方公里,全国划分为22个市,首都普拉亚,人口54.6万人(2020年),绝大部分为克里奥尔人,占人口总数的71%。

佛得角最古老的定居点Cidade Velha的风景如画。该场景捕捉了历史悠久的 Rua Banana,那里有传统的石头建筑和鹅卵石街道,两旁种满了热带树木。该建筑融合了非洲和葡萄牙殖民风格。在前景中,身着五颜六色服装的当地居民沿着街道行走,从事日常活动。背景是清澈的蓝天下,城镇周围崎岖的山丘。绘画风格充满活力和细节,强调了该地点的文化和历史意义。
A picturesque view of Cidade Velha, the oldest settlement in Cape Verde. The scene captures the historic Rua Banana with its traditional stone buildings and cobblestone street, lined with tropical trees. The architecture is a blend of African and Portuguese colonial styles. In the foreground, local residents in colorful attire walk along the street, engaging in daily activities. The background shows the rugged hills surrounding the town, under a clear blue sky. The painting style is vibrant and detailed, emphasizing the cultural and historical significance of the location.

佛得角最高峰 Pico do Fogo 的宁静景色。这幅画描绘了一个戏剧性的火山景观,有崎岖的熔岩流和稀疏的植被。这座火山活跃而平静,在明亮晴朗的天空下巍然升起。在前景中,可以看到一小群游客在欣赏美景,他们配备了登山装备。场景以写实风格呈现,捕捉了火山的自然崎岖之美和游客的冒险精神。色彩浓郁,深色的火山岩与蓝天形成鲜明对比。
A serene view of the Pico do Fogo, the highest peak in Cape Verde. The painting depicts a dramatic volcanic landscape with rugged lava flows and sparse vegetation. The volcano, active but calm, rises majestically under a bright, clear sky. In the foreground, a small group of tourists can be seen admiring the view, equipped with hiking gear. The scene is rendered in a realistic style, capturing the natural rugged beauty of the volcano and the adventurous spirit of the visitors. The colors are intense, with dark volcanic rock contrasting against the blue sky.

An idyllic view of the Praia city coastline in Cape Verde. The scene captures the vibrant city beach with crystal-clear waters and white sandy shores. In the foreground, people can be seen sunbathing, playing beach volleyball, and enjoying watersports. The city skyline in the background features modern buildings alongside traditional Cape Verdean architecture, under a sunny sky with few clouds. The painting style is lively and colorful, emphasizing the lively atmosphere and scenic beauty of Praia's urban beachfront.

A tranquil view of the salt flats of Sal Island in Cape Verde. The scene captures the expansive salt pans under a vast sky, reflecting vivid blue and pink hues at sunset. The salt crystals shimmer like diamonds against the shallow waters. A few workers in traditional attire can be seen harvesting salt in the distance, preserving the artisanal methods. The painting style is minimalist yet striking, with a focus on the contrasting colors and the peaceful, almost surreal landscape of the salt flats.

A captivating view of the Tarrafal Beach on Santiago Island, Cape Verde. The painting portrays a pristine beach with golden sands and turquoise waters. Lush palm trees provide shade along the beach, and a few local fishing boats are anchored near the shore. The scene is peaceful, with families and groups of friends enjoying the beach life, playing in the sand, and swimming. The painting style is vibrant and realistic, emphasizing the natural beauty and relaxed atmosphere of this popular tourist destination.

佛得角圣菲利佩皇家福塔莱萨的历史景观。场景显示了雄伟的堡垒矗立在高高的悬崖上,俯瞰大西洋。这座堡垒建于 16 世纪,拥有坚固的石墙和威严的存在。可以看到游客探索堡垒的场地,了解其在防御海盗袭击方面的历史意义。绘画风格写实,注重建筑细节和戏剧性的沿海背景,捕捉了堡垒的持久力量和历史重要性。
A historical view of the Fortaleza Real de São Filipe in Cape Verde. The scene shows the imposing fortress standing on a high cliff overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. The fort, built in the 16th century, features robust stone walls and a commanding presence. Visitors can be seen exploring the fort's grounds, learning about its historical significance in defending against pirate attacks. The painting style is realistic with a focus on the architectural details and the dramatic coastal backdrop, capturing the enduring strength and historical importance of the fort.