西撒哈拉(阿拉伯语:الصحراء الغربية,西班牙语:Sáhara Occidental),位于非洲西北部,地处撒哈拉沙漠西部,濒临大西洋,与摩洛哥、毛里塔尼亚、阿尔及利亚相邻。
该地是一个有争议地区,摩洛哥声明对此地区拥有主权,西撒哈拉历史上曾为西班牙的殖民地,1975年,西班牙宣布撤离西撒哈拉,1979年,毛里塔尼亚宣布放弃对西撒哈拉的领土主权,而摩洛哥与西撒哈拉人民解放阵线的武装冲突一直持续至1991年,摩洛哥控制着西撒哈拉约四分之三的地区,并修筑了沙堤长城防止波利萨里奥阵线的渗透。另外,当地独立武装组织波利萨里奥阵线统治着该地区以东大约四分之一的荒芜地区,共有47个国家承认该武装政权所领导的“阿拉伯撒哈拉民主共和国(The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic)”为独立的阿拉伯国家之一。

The painting vividly captures the moment just before sunset at the White Beach, where the sky transitions into a breathtaking palette of oranges, pinks, and purples. The pristine, white sandy beach stretches into the distance, meeting the calm, turquoise waters of the Atlantic Ocean. In the foreground, a few dunes gently rise, their contours highlighted by the sun's fading light. A solitary figure stands at the water's edge, gazing out into the vastness, symbolizing peace and solitude. This wide, high-definition scene combines elements of realism and romanticism to convey the untouched beauty of Western Sahara's coastline. The artist uses a blend of precise detail and soft, sweeping brushstrokes to create a sense of movement in the water and sky, inviting viewers to feel the tranquility and majesty of this secluded natural wonder.

A scenic view of the rugged desert landscape of Western Sahara, featuring the iconic sand dunes at sunset. The scene is bathed in golden and orange hues, with a clear blue sky and a few scattered clouds. A traditional Berber tent is set up on a flat area, with a camel resting nearby. This painting captures the tranquil and vast beauty of the Sahara, highlighting its natural attractions as a tourist destination. The artwork is rendered in a realistic style with detailed textures of sand and fabric.