刚果共和国(英语:Republic of the Congo;法语:République du Congo),简称为刚果(布),位于非洲中西部,赤道横贯中部,东、南两面邻刚果(金)、安哥拉,北接中非、喀麦隆,西连加蓬,西南临大西洋。首都为布拉柴维尔,海岸线长150多公里,总面积为34.2万平方公里,首都布拉柴维尔,全国共划分12个省(Département),6个直辖市,人口566万(2021年),全国有56个民族,属班图语系,最大的民族是南方的刚果族。

A vivid painting of the majestic Congo River as it winds through lush tropical forests in the Republic of Congo. The scene captures the vibrant greenery, dense foliage, and the wide, serene river. Local fishermen in small boats can be seen along the riverbanks, with distant hills fading into the misty background under a bright, clear sky.

An artistic depiction of the Basilique Sainte-Anne in Brazzaville, Republic of Congo. This painting portrays the iconic basilica with its unique architecture against a sunset sky. The foreground shows people in colorful traditional attire attending a service, emphasizing the cultural richness. The intricate details of the basilica's facade are highlighted by the warm colors of the evening light.

A serene painting capturing the atmosphere of the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park in the Republic of Congo. The artwork showcases the dense rainforest and its rich biodiversity, including a family of gorillas in the foreground, exotic birds in the canopy, and a small stream winding through the scene. The lush greens and earthy tones of the forest create a vivid, immersive experience.

A vivid painting of the Odzala National Park in the Republic of Congo, capturing its sprawling landscapes and rich wildlife. The scene features an expansive view of the savannah with elephants and buffaloes grazing, bordered by dense forest. The setting sun casts a golden glow across the scene, highlighting the natural beauty and tranquility of this preserved area.

一幅令人回味的刚果共和国黑角火车站的画作。这个场景捕捉了车站 20 世纪初的殖民建筑,熙熙攘攘。前景是穿着各种传统和现代服装的旅行者,突出了文化的多样性。背景显示站台上的一列老式火车,在晴朗明亮的天空下准备出发。
An evocative painting of the Pointe-Noire railway station in the Republic of Congo. This scene captures the early 20th-century colonial architecture of the station, bustling with people. The foreground features travelers in various traditional and modern attire, highlighting the cultural diversity. The background shows a vintage train at the platform, ready to depart, under a clear, bright sky.

A stunning painting of the Loufoulakari Falls in the Republic of Congo, capturing the dynamic water cascading over rocks surrounded by lush vegetation. The artwork vividly portrays the powerful flow of the waterfall, with spray misting around and creating rainbows in the sunlight. The scene is alive with local wildlife, including birds and small mammals, set against the backdrop of a bright blue sky and dense greenery.