中非共和国(法语:La République Centrafricaine,英语:Central African Republic),简称中非,是非洲大陆中部的内陆国家。中非国土面积为62.3万平方公里。中非东部与苏丹和南苏丹交界,南同刚果(布)和刚果(金)接壤,西与喀麦隆毗连,北同乍得为邻,国土面积62.3万平方公里,人口492万(2021年),全国共有60多个民族,主要有巴雅、班达、班图、桑戈等,其中巴雅族人数最多,班达族分布最广,首都班吉,全国划分为16个省、1个直辖市。

A stunning depiction of the Bangui Cathedral in the Central African Republic at sunset. The cathedral, an iconic structure, is illustrated in exquisite detail, with the setting sun casting a warm glow over its facade. Surrounding the cathedral is the bustling city life of Bangui, with people going about their evening routines, capturing the essence of daily life in the Central African Republic's capital.

A detailed painting of the Manovo-Gounda St Floris National Park in the Central African Republic, highlighting its diverse ecosystem. The artwork captures a panoramic view of the park's vast savannahs, dotted with a variety of wildlife, including elephants, antelopes, and birds. The scene is set during the golden hour, enhancing the natural beauty and tranquility of this UNESCO World Heritage site.