刚果民主共和国(The Democratic Republic of the Congo,La République Démocratique du Congo),简称刚果(金),位于非洲中部,东邻乌干达、卢旺达、布隆迪、坦桑尼亚,南接赞比亚、安哥拉,北连南苏丹和中非,西隔刚果河与刚果(布)相望。首都为金沙萨,国土面积2344885平方公里,首都金沙萨,人口8689.52万人(2019年),全国有254个民族,分属班图、苏丹和尼洛特三大语系,全国划分为26个省。
创作一幅刚果民主共和国尼拉贡戈山的宽阔全景画,捕捉这座活火山充满活力和活力的景观。场景设置在日落前的黄金时段,天空被涂成橙色、粉红色和紫色。这座火山雄伟地矗立在中央,它的轮廓与天空相映成趣,一缕缕烟雾从火山口缓缓升起。前景点缀着维龙加国家公园郁郁葱葱、茂密的热带森林,充满了生物多样性。这幅画应该唤起一种敬畏感和大自然的崇高力量,画布尺寸为 1792x1024 像素。
Create a wide panoramic painting of Mount Nyiragongo in the Democratic Republic of Congo, capturing the vibrant and dynamic landscape of this active volcano. The scene is set during the golden hour, just before sunset, with the sky painted in shades of orange, pink, and purple. The volcano stands majestic in the center, its silhouette against the sky, with wisps of smoke gently rising from the crater. The foreground is dotted with lush, dense tropical forests of Virunga National Park, teeming with biodiversity. The painting should evoke a sense of awe and the sublime power of nature, with a canvas size of 1792x1024 pixels.
创作一幅宽阔的全景画,描绘刚果民主共和国金沙萨附近的洛拉亚倭黑猩猩保护区。这幅画捕捉了保护区景观中宁静而郁郁葱葱的绿色植物,重点是一群倭黑猩猩和平地聚集在保护区内清澈、宁静的水体旁。气氛平静祥和,柔和的阳光透过茂密的树冠过滤,突出了倭黑猩猩温柔好奇的本性。这幅画应该传达一种和谐感和保护的关键作用,画布尺寸为 1792x1024 像素。
Create a wide panoramic painting of the Lola ya Bonobo Sanctuary near Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This painting captures the serene and lush greenery of the sanctuary's landscape, with a focus on a group of bonobos peacefully gathering by a clear, tranquil water body within the sanctuary. The atmosphere is calm and serene, with soft sunlight filtering through the dense canopy, highlighting the gentle and curious nature of the bonobos. The painting should convey a sense of harmony and the critical role of conservation, with a canvas size of 1792x1024 pixels.
创作一幅刚果民主共和国加兰巴国家公园的宽阔全景画,强调广阔天空下广阔、开阔的大草原。在这个场景中,可以看到一群大象和几只长颈鹿在草原上安静地吃草,远处罕见地瞥见了一只北方白犀牛,象征着公园丰富的生物多样性和保护工作的紧迫性。夕阳西下时,天空被涂上了戏剧性的红色和橙色色调,投下了长长的阴影,突出了这个生态系统的美丽和脆弱。这幅画应该捕捉到加兰巴自然美景的精髓及其作为联合国教科文组织世界遗产的意义,画布尺寸为 1792x1024 像素。
Create a wide panoramic painting of Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, emphasizing the vast, open savannahs under a vast sky. In this scene, a group of elephants and a few giraffes are seen grazing peacefully in the grassland, with a rare glimpse of a northern white rhinoceros in the distance, symbolizing the park's rich biodiversity and the urgency of conservation efforts. The sky is painted with dramatic hues of red and orange as the sun sets, casting long shadows and highlighting the beauty and fragility of this ecosystem. This painting should capture the essence of Garamba's natural beauty and its significance as a UNESCO World Heritage site, with a canvas size of 1792x1024 pixels.
创作一幅宽阔的全景画,捕捉黄昏时分刚果民主共和国尼拉贡戈山的壮丽景象。这幅画应该描绘从山顶可见的发光熔岩湖,照亮暮色天空下的周围景观。前景应以通往火山的崎岖地形为特色,稀疏的植被适应恶劣的火山环境。整体氛围应该唤起一种雄伟的自然力量感和这种多变景观的美丽,画布尺寸为 1792x1024 像素。
Create a wide panoramic painting capturing the awe-inspiring sight of Mount Nyiragongo in the Democratic Republic of Congo at dusk. The painting should depict the glowing lava lake visible from the summit, illuminating the surrounding landscape under a twilight sky. The foreground should feature the rugged terrain leading up to the volcano, with sparse vegetation adapted to the harsh volcanic environment. The overall atmosphere should evoke a sense of majestic natural power and the beauty of this volatile landscape, with a canvas size of 1792x1024 pixels.
创作一幅宽阔的全景画,捕捉黄昏时分刚果民主共和国尼拉贡戈山的壮丽景象。这幅画应该描绘从山顶可见的发光熔岩湖,照亮暮色天空下的周围景观。前景应以通往火山的崎岖地形为特色,稀疏的植被适应恶劣的火山环境。整体氛围应该唤起一种雄伟的自然力量感和这种多变景观的美丽,画布尺寸为 1792x1024 像素。
Create a wide panoramic painting capturing the awe-inspiring sight of Mount Nyiragongo in the Democratic Republic of Congo at dusk. The painting should depict the glowing lava lake visible from the summit, illuminating the surrounding landscape under a twilight sky. The foreground should feature the rugged terrain leading up to the volcano, with sparse vegetation adapted to the harsh volcanic environment. The overall atmosphere should evoke a sense of majestic natural power and the beauty of this volatile landscape, with a canvas size of 1792x1024 pixels.
描绘强大的刚果河蜿蜒穿过刚果盆地郁郁葱葱的热带雨林。场景设置在充满活力的日落中,天空被涂成橙色、红色和紫色的色调,倒映在河面上。沿着河岸可以看到传统的木船,当地村民进行日常活动,展示了这条河在刚果人民生活中的作用。这幅画应该捕捉到刚果河沿岸生活的本质,突出它作为许多人生命线的重要性,画布尺寸为 1792x1024 像素。
Depict the mighty Congo River winding through the lush rainforests of the Congo Basin. The scene is set during a vibrant sunset, with the sky painted in hues of orange, red, and purple, reflecting on the river's surface. Traditional wooden boats can be seen along the banks, with local villagers going about their daily activities, showcasing the river's role in the lives of the Congolese people. This painting should capture the essence of life along the Congo River, highlighting its importance as a lifeline for many, with a canvas size of 1792x1024 pixels.
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