毛里塔尼亚伊斯兰共和国(英语:The Islamic Republic of Mauritania),简称毛里塔尼亚,位于非洲西北部,地处北纬15~27度之间,面积103.07万平方公里。毛里塔尼亚西濒大西洋,北部与西撒哈拉和阿尔及利亚接壤,东南部与马里为邻,南与塞内加尔相望。地区属热带沙漠性气候,全境地势平坦,有2/3的地区是沙漠,首都努瓦克肖特,全国共划分为15个省,国土面积103万平方公里,人口478万(2021年),总体上分为摩尔族和黑非民族(非洲黑人)两大类。
The ancient city of Chinguetti in Mauritania at sunset, highlighting its historic architecture and surrounding desert. The scene features the city's iconic minaret, ancient manuscripts shops, narrow streets, and the vast dunes of the Mauritanian desert. The painting combines elements of realism and historical significance, capturing the city's timeless charm and its role as a center of Islamic culture and learning. Warm, golden hues of sunset bathe the scene, contrasting with the cool tones of the desert, creating a harmonious blend of nature and human history.
A vivid painting of the ancient city of Ouadane, Mauritania, showcasing the dramatic ruins under a vast desert sky. The scene captures the crumbling stone structures and old city walls at sunset, with the golden hues of the setting sun casting long shadows. The foreground features sparse desert vegetation and a few wandering camels, encapsulating the historical and rugged beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage site.
A picturesque scene of the Chinguetti Mosque, one of the oldest mosques in Mauritania, situated in an ancient desert city. The painting captures the mosque at dusk, with its distinctive architecture and stone minaret standing against a backdrop of orange and purple sky. Nearby, a group of robed figures walks towards the mosque for evening prayers, while traditional Mauritanian tents are set up in the distance, evoking a sense of timeless spiritual devotion.
毛里塔尼亚 Banc d'Arguin 国家公园的迷人描绘,这里是候鸟的重要栖息地。这件艺术品描绘了日出时宁静的沿海景象,各种鸟类在浅水区飞行或涉水。柔和的晨光从水面反射出来,突出了该地区丰富的生物多样性。在背景中,传统的毛里塔尼亚渔船漂浮在岸边,为公园的自然美景增添了文化元素。
An enchanting depiction of the Banc d'Arguin National Park in Mauritania, a crucial site for migratory birds. The artwork illustrates a serene coastal scene at sunrise, with a diverse array of birds in flight or wading in the shallow waters. The gentle morning light reflects off the water, highlighting the rich biodiversity of the area. In the background, traditional Mauritanian fishing boats float near the shore, adding a cultural element to the natural beauty of the park.
阿德拉尔高原(Adrar Plateau)的壮丽日落景观,以毛里塔尼亚沙漠内陆的壮丽景观为特色。这幅画捕捉了崎岖的地形及其戏剧性的岩层和稀疏的植被。在前景中,一个毛里塔尼亚游牧家庭正在他们的传统帐篷附近扎营,他们的骆驼在附近休息。天空中布满了鲜艳的红色和橙色,反映了黄昏时分沙漠的严酷而令人惊叹的美丽。
A dramatic sunset view of the Adrar Plateau, featuring the striking landscapes of Mauritania's desert interior. The painting captures the rugged terrain with its dramatic rock formations and sparse vegetation. In the foreground, a nomadic Mauritanian family is setting up camp near their traditional tent, with their camels resting nearby. The sky is ablaze with vibrant reds and oranges, reflecting the harsh yet stunning beauty of the desert at dusk.
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