厄瓜多尔共和国(西班牙语:República del Ecuador),简称厄瓜多尔。位于南美洲西北部的国家,北与哥伦比亚相邻,南接秘鲁,西滨太平洋,首都是基多。截至2021年,厄瓜多尔总人口1794万。矿物以石油为主,主要分布于瓜亚基尔湾一带,在亚马逊平原地区也发现有油田。金和银分布于马查奇和萨鲁马等地。铜产于马查奇。

A stunning depiction of the Galápagos Islands, showcasing the unique wildlife such as giant tortoises, marine iguanas, and a variety of birds against a backdrop of the pristine, turquoise waters and lush, volcanic landscapes. The scene captures the essence of untouched nature and biodiversity, emphasizing the islands' role in the development of the theory of evolution. The painting should reflect the vibrant colors and serene beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage site, inviting viewers to appreciate the ecological significance and conservation efforts of the Galápagos.

基多历史中心的艺术代表,在夕阳的温暖光芒下,殖民时期的教堂、广场和鹅卵石街道的壮丽建筑令人叹为观止。建筑物的鲜艳色彩和人们在街道上走动的熙熙攘攘的氛围应该被捕捉到,反映出这座城市丰富的文化遗产及其作为拉丁美洲保存最完好的历史中心之一的地位。远处可以看到基多圣母雕像的高耸身影,从El Panecillo山上俯瞰城市,象征着保护和团结。
An artistic representation of Quito's historic center, featuring the stunning architecture of colonial churches, plazas, and cobblestone streets under the warm glow of sunset. The vibrant colors of the buildings and the bustling atmosphere of people moving through the streets should be captured, reflecting the city's rich cultural heritage and its status as one of the best-preserved historic centers in Latin America. The towering figure of the Virgin of Quito statue can be seen in the distance, overlooking the city from El Panecillo hill, symbolizing protection and unity.

A vibrant painting of the Cotopaxi Volcano, one of the world's highest active volcanoes, set against a clear blue sky. The foreground should depict a lush Andean landscape, teeming with wildlife and dotted with wildflowers, providing a stark contrast to the snow-capped peak of Cotopaxi in the background. Indigenous peoples in traditional dress can be seen in the distance, herding llamas along ancient paths, showcasing the harmonious relationship between Ecuador's natural wonders and its cultural traditions. The painting should evoke a sense of awe and respect for the majestic beauty and power of Cotopaxi.

A detailed painting of the Cajas National Park near Cuenca, showcasing its unique landscape of rugged, rolling hills, countless lakes, and diverse flora and fauna. The scene is set during a crisp, clear day, with the sun casting dynamic shadows across the vast, open spaces. Hikers can be seen exploring the trails, marveling at the natural beauty around them. The artwork should capture the park's serene atmosphere and its importance as a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and a sanctuary for wildlife, emphasizing the ecological diversity and scenic beauty of this Ecuadorian treasure.

A picturesque view of the Chimborazo Volcano, capturing its majestic presence as the closest point to the sun from the earth's center. The painting should depict the vast, barren landscape surrounding the volcano, covered in snow and ice at the higher elevations, with wild vicuñas grazing in the foreground. The sky is a dramatic canvas of oranges and purples at sunset, adding a magical glow to the scene. This artwork aims to showcase the natural beauty and geological significance of Chimborazo, symbolizing Ecuador's diverse landscapes and the awe it inspires in all who witness it.

A captivating painting of the Ingapirca Ruins, the largest known Incan ruins in Ecuador, nestled within the stunning Andean landscape. The scene captures the stone structures and terraces that make up this archaeological site, with the iconic Temple of the Sun standing prominently at the center. Indigenous people in traditional dress can be seen exploring and performing rituals, connecting the past with the present. The surrounding mountains and the vibrant blue sky create a breathtaking backdrop, highlighting the historical and cultural significance of Ingapirca as a testament to the Incan empire's reach and architectural prowess.