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数字资产成就数字世界!Digital assets create a digital world
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数字世界成就您的梦想Realize your dreams in the digital world



澳大利亚联邦(The Commonwealth of Australia),简称澳大利亚,首都堪培拉,位于南太平洋和印度洋之间,由澳大利亚大陆、塔斯马尼亚岛等岛屿和海外领土组成。东濒太平洋的珊瑚海和塔斯曼海,北、西、南三面临印度洋及其边缘海。总面积7692000平方千米,海岸线长36735千米。北部属热带气候,大部分属温带气候。全国划分为6个州和2个地区。截至2023年2月,澳大利亚总人口为2598万人,74%为英国及爱尔兰裔,官方语言为英语,大部分居民信仰基督教。





  1. 具备国家代码属性:“AU”是澳大利亚的国家代码,而“.中国”是中国的国家顶级域名,组成的域名具有国际化的特色,非常适合用于与澳大利亚和中国之间的跨国合作、品牌推广和市场营销等。

  2. 品牌及市场定位:此域名结合了澳大利亚与中国两个重要市场,能够增强品牌在这两个国家的影响力。特别是中国作为全球互联网用户最多的国家,".中国"顶级域名具备很高的市场认可度和品牌价值。

  3. 跨境电商与市场连接:澳大利亚与中国之间的贸易往来越来越密切,尤其在农业、教育、旅游和文化等领域,“AU.中国”域名将为相关企业提供一个精准的网络平台。

  4. 数字资产的增值潜力:“AU.中国”作为一枚带有国家代码的域名,具备较高的市场吸引力。随着中国市场对澳大利亚品牌、商品和服务的需求增加,该域名的投资价值也在不断增长。



  1. 澳大利亚:作为澳大利亚的国家代码域名,最直接的应用就是与澳大利亚相关的品牌、机构和产品。例如,澳大利亚的旅游、教育、农业、进口商品等行业,均可以使用该域名提高在中国市场的品牌认知度。

    • 旅游行业:澳大利亚旅游公司、旅行社等可以使用“AU.中国”作为域名,提升品牌影响力。

    • 教育机构:澳大利亚的大学、学院及留学中介等,均可以使用该域名吸引中国学生,增加合作机会。

    • 农产品与食品:澳大利亚出口的葡萄酒、乳制品、肉类、健康食品等,都可以通过“AU.中国”域名进入中国市场。

  2. 跨国电商平台:由于澳大利亚与中国之间的贸易密切,很多跨国电商平台,尤其是涉及澳大利亚商品的电商平台,可以使用“AU.中国”域名来建立更具地域特色的品牌形象。

  3. 文化交流与合作:澳大利亚与中国的文化交流逐年增加,域名可用于澳大利亚文化活动的推广、艺术品销售、交流项目等。

  4. 其他行业:除了上述行业外,还可以用于环境保护、可再生能源等项目,考虑到澳大利亚在这些领域的领导地位。



  1. AU:Australia(澳大利亚):这是最直接的词汇匹配,适合所有与澳大利亚相关的品牌和活动。

  2. AU:Audio(音频):适用于音响设备、音乐平台、广播、音频技术等行业。

  3. AU:Automotive(汽车):适用于汽车、汽车配件、二手车市场等行业。

  4. AU:Authentication(认证):可以与安全认证、数字身份验证等领域相关联,适用于金融、IT行业。

  5. AU:Adventure Unlimited(无限探险):适用于旅游、户外活动、探险旅游等行业。

  6. AU:Augmented Universe(增强宇宙):适用于科技、虚拟现实、增强现实等领域。

  7. AU:Asset Unit(资产单位):适用于金融、投资领域,尤其是数字资产、区块链等领域。



  1. 全球化平台效应:作为《数字世界.cn》一部分,域名将被推向全球市场,增加其商业机会和潜在客户群。中国与澳大利亚之间的跨国市场机会将进一步推动该域名的需求。

  2. 数字世界平台的支持:《数字世界.cn》将为“AU.中国”域名提供一个聚焦数字经济、跨境电商和国际合作的平台。无论是澳大利亚品牌的推广,还是企业通过数字平台与中国市场的互动,都能受益于该域名的整合效应。

  3. 跨国合作机会:《数字世界.cn》将加强“AU.中国”域名在全球范围内的应用,特别是为中国和澳大利亚之间的跨境合作提供更有力的支持。例如,域名可以用于两国之间的商务合作、跨国营销、品牌联合等。

  4. 地域市场定位:域名为澳大利亚在中国市场的定位和推广提供了独特的机会,尤其是在中国对澳大利亚商品和服务需求不断增长的背景下。




  • 初步评估价值范围:考虑到它与澳大利亚和中国市场的强相关性,以及数字资产市场的趋势,这类域名的价值一般在10万-50万美元之间。



  • 预计增值幅度:加入《数字世界.cn》后,“AU.中国”域名的价值预计会提升至50万-150万美元。平台效应和跨境电商合作将使域名获得更广泛的市场需求,推动其增值。



  • 预期增长:预计在未来5-10年内,随着跨国电商和国际合作的深化,“AU.中国”域名的价值将稳步增长,年均增幅在5%-10%之间。


澳大利亚联邦(The Commonwealth of Australia),简称澳大利亚,首都堪培拉,位于南太平洋和印度洋之间,由澳大利亚大陆、塔斯马尼亚岛等岛屿和海外领土组成。东濒太平洋的珊瑚海和塔斯曼海,北、西、南三面临印度洋及其边缘海。总面积7692000平方千米,海岸线长36735千米。北部属热带气候,大部分属温带气候。全国划分为6个州和2个地区。截至2023年2月,澳大利亚总人口为2598万人,74%为英国及爱尔兰裔,官方语言为英语,大部分居民信仰基督教。









A high-definition painting of the historical relic, the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The artwork captures the grandeur of the bridge at sunrise, highlighting its massive steel arch and intricate lattice work. The viewpoint is from the water, showing small boats passing under the bridge as early morning joggers and cyclists cross its length. The city skyline in the background is softly lit by the rising sun, adding a serene and majestic atmosphere to the scene.




A high-definition painting capturing the Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney. This lush, expansive garden is viewed from a high vantage point, offering a panoramic view of colorful flower beds, dense greenery, and winding paths. The Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge are visible in the distance, integrating the natural beauty with the urban skyline. The painting should convey tranquility and the vibrant life of the garden, with visitors enjoying the serene environment.


悉尼附近著名风景区蓝山的高清画作。该场景描绘了 Echo Point 的壮丽景色,俯瞰茂密的桉树林和陡峭的悬崖的广阔崎岖景观。标志性的三姐妹岩层在湛蓝的天空下显得格外醒目。这幅画应该捕捉到这个自然奇观的雄伟和宁静之美,强调广阔的远景和整个山谷的光影游戏。


A high-definition painting of the Blue Mountains, a famous scenic spot near Sydney. The scene portrays a breathtaking view from Echo Point, overlooking the vast, rugged landscape of dense eucalyptus forests and steep cliffs. The iconic Three Sisters rock formation is prominently featured under a clear blue sky. The painting should capture the majestic and serene beauty of this natural wonder, emphasizing the expansive vistas and the play of light and shadows across the valley.




A high-definition painting of the Old Windmill in Brisbane, the oldest surviving building in Queensland. The painting captures the historic stone structure set against a vivid blue sky, surrounded by lush greenery. The scene is peaceful, with a few visitors exploring the grounds. The artwork emphasizes the texture of the old stone and the rustic charm of this historical relic, blending the past with the serene natural setting.


布里斯班最古老的建筑之一,现在是博物馆的Commissariat Store的高清画作。该场景捕捉了黄昏时分的传统砖砌建筑,温暖的灯光照亮了立面。布里斯班河在前景中缓缓流淌,反射着暮色的天空和建筑物的灯光。构图宁静,强调建筑的历史意义和建筑之美,坐落在城市环境中。


A high-definition painting of the Commissariat Store, one of Brisbane's oldest buildings, now a museum. The scene captures the heritage brick building at dusk, with warm lighting illuminating the facade. The Brisbane River flows gently in the foreground, reflecting the twilight sky and the building's lights. The composition is tranquil, emphasizing the historical significance and architectural beauty of the building, nestled in an urban environment.




A high-definition painting of the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary in Brisbane, showcasing a serene and natural setting. The scene captures various Australian wildlife, particularly koalas in their natural habitat among eucalyptus trees. The sanctuary is depicted bustling with visitors and staff, emphasizing conservation efforts. The background features a soft, sunny sky, lush greenery, and distant views of the Brisbane landscape, creating a vibrant and inviting atmosphere.




A high-definition painting of the Perth Town Hall, a historical relic in Perth, Australia. The Victorian Gothic style architecture of the building is emphasized with intricate brickwork and ornate decorations. The scene is set on a bright sunny day, with people walking around and enjoying the area. The surrounding cityscape blends modern and heritage elements, showcasing the unique character of Perth.




A high-definition painting of the Fremantle Prison, a historical site in Perth, Australia. The artwork captures the limestone facade of this convict-built prison under a dramatic sky, conveying a sense of its grim history. The viewpoint is from the front gate, looking in, with a few visitors around. The scene includes detailed textures of the stone walls and emphasizes the contrast between the old structure and the bright, expansive sky above.




A high-definition painting of the Bell Tower, one of Perth's modern landmarks. This painting showcases the glass and copper-clad spire at sunset, reflecting the golden light beautifully. The scene includes the Swan River in the foreground with a few boats and pedestrians enjoying the riverside. The sky is painted with hues of orange and purple, adding a vibrant backdrop to the striking architecture of the Bell Tower.




A high-definition painting of Kings Park and Botanic Garden in Perth, showcasing the sweeping views of the city skyline from the park. The scene is vibrant with a variety of Australian plant species in full bloom, visitors strolling along the pathways, and the Perth skyline in the distance. The setting is during the day with a clear blue sky and the sun casting light over the lush greenery and colorful flowers.




A high-definition painting of Cottesloe Beach at sunset in Perth, capturing the golden sands and the tranquil turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean. The scene includes beachgoers enjoying the serene evening, with children playing and couples walking along the shore. The sky is painted with a dramatic blend of oranges and purples, reflecting on the water and enhancing the peaceful atmosphere of this famous scenic spot.




A high-definition painting of Rottnest Island near Perth, depicting the picturesque scene of the island's unique landscapes. The painting captures the island's crystal-clear bays, sandy beaches, and the native quokkas, small marsupials unique to the island. The scene is vibrant with tourists biking and walking along the paths, exploring the natural beauty under the bright Australian sun. The backdrop features a clear blue sky and the lush greenery of the island.


澳大利亚阿德莱德历史遗迹之一的阿德莱德监狱的高清画作。这件艺术品捕捉了监狱雄伟的石头结构,在多云的天空下展示了其独特的 19 世纪建筑元素。从正面看,可以看到带有拱形门口和铁栅栏窗户的正门。建筑周围有几棵树,为严肃的氛围增添了一丝自然气息。


A high-definition painting of the Adelaide Gaol, one of the historical relics in Adelaide, Australia. The artwork captures the imposing stone structure of the prison, featuring its distinctive 19th-century architectural elements under a cloudy sky. The view is from the front, showing the main entrance with its arched doorway and barred windows. There are a few trees around the building, adding a touch of nature to the stern atmosphere.




A high-definition painting of the Ayers House, another historical relic in Adelaide, Australia. The scene depicts this well-preserved colonial mansion with its elegant architecture, including detailed balcony railings and large windows. The painting is set during the golden hour, casting warm light across the facade, which is surrounded by lush gardens and old trees, enhancing the grandeur and historical significance of the mansion.




A high-definition painting of the Adelaide Oval, a landmark of Adelaide, Australia. This artwork captures the iconic sports stadium with its modern design and distinctive roof structure. The scene is set during a cricket match, with the stadium bustling with fans. The background features the city skyline, emphasizing the integration of this venue within the city. The painting is vibrant, capturing the energy of the event and the clear blue sky of a sunny day.




A high-definition painting of Cleland Wildlife Park, a popular tourist attraction in Adelaide, Australia. The scene captures visitors interacting with native Australian animals like kangaroos and koalas in a natural bush setting. The park is depicted lush and green, filled with eucalyptus trees and a serene pond. The composition highlights the peaceful coexistence of humans and wildlife, with the soft light of a sunny day enhancing the tranquil atmosphere.




A high-definition painting of the Adelaide Botanic Garden, a famous scenic spot in Adelaide, Australia. This artwork depicts a peaceful scene with diverse plant life, including flowering plants, tall trees, and a large water lily pond. The garden is vibrant with colors from various blooms, and visitors are leisurely exploring the paths. The setting is during midday with sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a tranquil and inviting atmosphere.




A high-definition painting depicting the Nerang Headwaters Historic Site on the Gold Coast, Australia. The artwork showcases an ancient forest area with remnants of aboriginal life, such as preserved tool markings and natural shelters. The scene is serene with dense greenery and dappled sunlight filtering through the trees, evoking a sense of history and connection to the past. The composition is detailed with a focus on the textures of the bark and the forest floor, under a clear blue sky.


南港历史学会博物馆的高清画作,这是澳大利亚黄金海岸的另一处历史遗迹。这幅画以这座 20 世纪初的建筑为特色,拥有独特的木结构和遗产设计。场景设置在傍晚,长长的阴影和温暖的金色阳光突出了博物馆的建筑细节。前景包括一个郁郁葱葱的花园,里面种满了澳大利亚本土植物,为构图增添了鲜艳的色彩。


A high-definition painting of the Southport Historical Society Museum, another historical relic on the Gold Coast, Australia. The painting features this early 20th-century building with its unique timber structure and heritage design. The scene is set in the late afternoon with long shadows and a warm, golden sunlight highlighting the architectural details of the museum. The foreground includes a lush garden with native Australian plants, adding vibrant colors to the composition.




A high-definition painting of the Q1 Tower, a famous landmark on the Gold Coast, Australia. This artwork captures the towering skyscraper with its sleek, modern architecture rising above the surrounding cityscape. The scene is set during twilight, with the building illuminated against a vibrant sunset sky, creating a dramatic and visually striking image. The view includes bustling streets below and distant ocean views, highlighting the tower's prominence in the city.




A high-definition painting of the Old Parliament House in Canberra, Australia. This historical relic features the classic early 20th-century architecture with its white facade and large columns. The scene is set in early morning light, casting gentle shadows and highlighting the grandeur of the building. The lush gardens in the foreground are in full bloom, providing a contrast to the stark white of the building, under a clear blue sky.




A high-definition painting of the Australian War Memorial in Canberra, Australia. This landmark is captured in the late afternoon light, emphasizing the solemn and majestic nature of the memorial. The scene shows the grand building with its large dome and long pool of reflection leading up to it. Visitors are scattered throughout, paying their respects. The surrounding landscape is lush and well-kept, with the Brindabella Ranges in the distance under a dusky sky.




A high-definition painting of Lake Burley Griffin, a famous scenic spot in Canberra, Australia. The artwork captures the expansive lake at sunset, with the sky painted in vibrant hues of orange and purple. The tranquil waters reflect the colorful sky and the surrounding landscape, including the distant Parliament House. Small boats are gently gliding on the water, adding a sense of peaceful activity. The scene is framed by lush trees and manicured lawns along the lake's edge.




A high-definition painting of the Canberra Arboretum, another famous scenic spot in Canberra, Australia. This vibrant artwork showcases the vast collection of trees and gardens, meticulously arranged in patterns seen from a high vantage point. The scene captures the beauty of diverse tree species in full bloom, with the Brindabella Mountains as a backdrop under a clear blue sky. Visitors are seen walking along the paths, enjoying the serene environment.


塔斯马尼亚州霍巴特历史遗迹炮台点的高清画作。这幅画以其 19 世纪的建筑捕捉了这个海上郊区古朴的旧世界魅力。场景设置在一个清爽的秋日早晨,金色的光线照亮了历史建筑和鹅卵石铺成的街道,附近的海滨反射着清晨的阳光。


A high-definition painting of the Battery Point, a historical relic in Hobart, Tasmania. This painting captures the quaint, old-world charm of this maritime suburb with its 19th-century architecture. The scene is set during a crisp autumn morning, with golden light illuminating the heritage buildings and cobbled streets, and the nearby waterfront reflecting the early light.


塔斯马尼亚州霍巴特的另一处历史遗迹 Cascade Brewery 的高清画作。这件艺术品描绘了啤酒厂的标志性石头建筑,周围环绕着郁郁葱葱的绿色植物。背景是一个温暖的夏日,阳光在结构周围投下柔和的阴影,突出了其错综复杂的石雕。前景充满活力,开花的植物和树木,为宁静的环境增添了一抹色彩。


A high-definition painting of the Cascade Brewery, another historical relic in Hobart, Tasmania. The artwork depicts the iconic stone building of the brewery surrounded by lush greenery. The setting is a warm summer day, with the sun casting soft shadows around the structure, highlighting its intricate stonework. The foreground is vibrant with flowering plants and trees, adding a burst of color to the serene setting.




A high-definition painting of the Mount Wellington, a landmark in Hobart, Tasmania. The painting captures the panoramic view from the summit, overlooking the city and the expansive water of the Derwent River. The scene is depicted at sunset, with the sky painted in hues of orange and purple, casting a dramatic light over the rugged mountain terrain and the distant cityscape below.




A high-definition painting of the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens, a famous scenic spot in Hobart, Tasmania. This painting features the lush, diverse plant life of the gardens, with a focus on the serene Japanese Garden section. The scene is set on a bright spring day, with cherry blossoms in full bloom, creating a soft pink canopy over tranquil ponds and carefully arranged stones. Visitors quietly enjoy the peaceful setting, adding life to the tranquil gardens.




A high-definition painting of the Hobart waterfront, another famous scenic spot in Hobart, Tasmania. The artwork captures the vibrant harbor area with boats moored along the docks and people strolling along the boardwalk. The scene is depicted during a sunset, with the setting sun casting a warm golden glow over the water, boats, and distant mountains. The sky is a mix of fiery orange and deep blue, adding a dramatic backdrop to the lively waterfront scene.




A high-definition painting of the Newcastle Cathedral, a historical relic in Newcastle, England. The artwork captures the grand architecture of the cathedral with its detailed Gothic elements. The setting is a clear day with soft light accentuating the intricate stonework and stained glass windows, conveying a sense of historic solemnity and architectural beauty.




A high-definition painting of the Newcastle Cathedral, a historical relic in Newcastle, England. The artwork captures the grand architecture of the cathedral with its detailed Gothic elements. The setting is a clear day with soft light accentuating the intricate stonework and stained glass windows, conveying a sense of historic solemnity and architectural beauty.




A high-definition painting of the Tyne Bridge, a landmark in Newcastle, England. This painting captures the iconic steel bridge spanning the River Tyne, a symbol of the city's industrial heritage. The scene is set during a vibrant sunset, with rich colors in the sky reflecting off the river below, highlighting the bridge's distinctive arch and the bustling activity along the waterfront.




A high-definition painting of the Angel of the North, a tourist attraction in Newcastle, England. The artwork features the famous steel sculpture with its expansive wings, set against a dramatic sky. The landscape around the sculpture is lush and green, capturing the essence of the English countryside. The setting is early evening, with the sun casting long shadows and creating a striking contrast against the rust-colored sculpture.


英国纽卡斯尔著名景点杰斯蒙德·迪恩(Jesmond Dene)的高清画作。这幅宁静的画作捕捉了郁郁葱葱的公园,包括林地小径和乌斯本河上的乡村桥梁。场景设置在春天,生机勃勃的绿叶和盛开的鲜花提供了丰富多彩的背景。一条宁静的溪流蜿蜒穿过场景,反射出湛蓝的天空和头顶蓬松的云朵。


A high-definition painting of Jesmond Dene, a famous scenic spot in Newcastle, England. This serene painting captures the lush parkland with its woodland paths and rustic bridges over the Ouseburn River. The scene is set in spring, with vibrant green foliage and blooming flowers providing a colorful backdrop. A tranquil stream meanders through the scene, reflecting the clear blue sky and fluffy clouds overhead.




A high-definition painting of the Quayside along the River Tyne in Newcastle, England. This vibrant painting captures the lively atmosphere of the waterfront with people enjoying the riverside walkways, modern art installations, and historical buildings in the background. The scene is depicted at sunset, with the sky ablaze with hues of orange and pink, reflecting off the river and enhancing the lively mood of the Quayside area.






An artistic depiction of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne, Australia. The painting showcases a serene lake with swans, surrounded by lush greenery and blooming flowers. Visitors are leisurely strolling along the paths, some sitting on benches enjoying the peaceful environment. The distant skyline of Melbourne is visible, providing a contrast between nature and urban life.


墨尔本板球场 (MCG) 在一场大型板球比赛期间的戏剧性画作,从高角度观看。体育场里挤满了观众,球场上生动地描绘了球员们在比赛中的细节。体育场的大灯照亮了现场,营造出戏剧性的阴影和热闹的气氛,强调了墨尔本体育赛事的兴奋。


A dramatic painting of the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG) during a major cricket match, viewed from a high angle. The stadium is packed with spectators, and the pitch is vividly detailed with players in action. The large lights of the stadium illuminate the scene, creating dramatic shadows and a lively atmosphere, emphasizing the excitement of a sports event in Melbourne.




A picturesque painting of the Melbourne Zoo, capturing a moment at the elephant enclosure. The scene includes a family of elephants near a water hole, surrounded by lush vegetation. Visitors observe from a viewing platform, with children pointing excitedly. The background features detailed trees and a clear blue sky, evoking a warm and inviting atmosphere in Melbourne's popular zoo.

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