法属波利尼西亚海外属地(法语:Pays d’Outre-mer au sein de la Répubique, POM),简称“法属波利尼西亚”(英语:French Polynesia;法语:Polynésie française),又名塔希提。是联合国非自治领土,位于太平洋的东南部,西与库克群岛隔海相望,西北临莱恩群岛。由社会群岛、土阿莫土群岛、 甘比尔群岛、土布艾群岛、马克萨斯群岛等118个岛屿组成,其中社会群岛的塔希提岛最大。面积4167平方公里,其中可居住面积3521平方公里。总人口275918人(2017年)。

Mount Otemanu on Bora Bora: Showcasing the iconic peak surrounded by lush vegetation and turquoise waters, capturing the island's majestic beauty.

Fautaua Waterfall in Tahiti: A serene depiction of the towering waterfall amidst vibrant greenery, reflecting tranquility and natural splendor.

Raiatea 岛上的 Marae Taputapuatea:在山脉和海洋的背景下突出古老的圣地,强调其精神意义。
Marae Taputapuatea on Raiatea Island: Highlighting the ancient sacred site against a backdrop of mountains and ocean, emphasizing its spiritual significance.

Point Venus Lighthouse in Tahiti: Capturing the lighthouse's historic role, set against the lush forest and ocean, symbolizing guidance and exploration.

Paul Gauguin Museum in Tahiti: Illustrating the museum within a tropical garden, honoring Gauguin's legacy and the natural beauty that inspired his work.

Three Coconut Pass in Moorea: Offering a panoramic view of dramatic peaks and azure l