印度尼西亚共和国(英语:Republic of Indonesia),简称印尼(Indonesia)。是东南亚国家,首都为雅加达。与巴布亚新几内亚、东帝汶和马来西亚等国家相接。印度尼西亚国土面积1913578.68平方公,由约17508个岛屿组成,是全世界最大的群岛国家,疆域横跨亚洲及大洋洲,也是多火山多地震的国家。面积较大的岛屿有加里曼丹岛、苏门答腊岛、伊里安岛、苏拉威西岛和爪哇岛,全国共有3个地方特区和31个省。印尼人口2.71亿(2020年12月),是世界第四人口大国。有数百个民族,其中爪哇族占人口45%,巽他族14%,马都拉族和马来族分别占7.5%。民族语言共有200多种,官方语言为印尼语。约87%的人口信奉伊斯兰教,是世界上穆斯林人口最多的国家。
印度尼西亚婆罗浮屠寺的一幅令人叹为观止的风景画,是该国最具标志性的地标之一。这座古老的佛教寺庙的历史可以追溯到 9 世纪,在日出时拍摄,晨光柔和温暖的色调照亮了错综复杂的石佛塔和雕像。这座寺庙雄伟地坐落在郁郁葱葱的热带景观上,雾气笼罩着周围的丛林,为场景增添了神秘的气息。作品聚焦于婆罗浮屠的宏伟和精神氛围,突出了其作为联合国教科文组织世界遗产和佛教建筑杰作的地位。天空充满了橙色和粉红色的柔和渐变,与寺庙和植被的灰色和绿色色调相得益彰。
A breathtaking landscape painting of Borobudur Temple in Indonesia, one of the country's most iconic landmarks. This ancient Buddhist temple, dating back to the 9th century, is captured at sunrise, with the soft, warm hues of the morning light illuminating the intricate stone stupas and statues. The temple sits majestically on a lush, tropical landscape, with mist rolling over the surrounding jungle, adding a mystical quality to the scene. The composition focuses on the grandeur and spiritual ambiance of Borobudur, highlighting its status as a UNESCO World Heritage site and a masterpiece of Buddhist architecture. The sky is filled with gentle gradients of orange and pink, complementing the grey and green tones of the temple and the vegetation.
一幅精美的画作,描绘了印度尼西亚日落时分的普兰巴南神庙,这是该国第二大最具标志性的地标。这座印度教寺庙建筑群的历史可以追溯到 9 世纪,在它身后的夕阳下,在古老的石头结构上投下金色的光芒,展现了它的所有荣耀。寺庙外墙上印度教神灵的详细雕刻被最后一缕阳光所突出。寺庙以橙色、红色和紫色的色调绘制的充满活力的天空为背景,反射出石头表面。郁郁葱葱的绿草和热带树木环绕着寺庙,强调了其在青翠景观中心的雄伟存在。这幅画捕捉了普兰巴南的历史意义和建筑之美,将其展示为印度尼西亚印度教文化的杰作。
An exquisite painting of Prambanan Temple in Indonesia at sunset, the second most iconic landmark of the country. This Hindu temple complex, dating back to the 9th century, is shown in all its glory, with the sun setting behind it, casting a golden light over the ancient stone structures. The detailed carvings of Hindu deities on the temple facades are highlighted by the last rays of the sun. The temple is set against a vibrant sky painted in hues of orange, red, and purple, reflecting off the stone surfaces. Lush green grass and tropical trees frame the temple, emphasizing its majestic presence in the heart of a verdant landscape. This painting captures the historical significance and architectural beauty of Prambanan, showcasing it as a masterpiece of Hindu culture in Indonesia.
A captivating painting of the Komodo National Park in Indonesia, highlighting its unique natural landscape and the iconic Komodo dragons. The artwork captures the rugged beauty of the park's terrain, with dry savannahs, steep hills, and a crystal-clear blue ocean in the background. A few Komodo dragons are depicted in their natural habitat, roaming freely among the sparse vegetation. The focal point is a majestic Komodo dragon standing on a rocky outcrop, surveying its surroundings under the bright tropical sun. The sky is a brilliant blue, contrasting with the arid landscape below. This painting showcases the delicate ecosystem of Komodo National Park and its status as a UNESCO World Heritage site, emphasizing the need for conservation of these ancient creatures and their habitat.
A serene painting of Lake Toba in Indonesia, capturing its tranquil beauty and the lush, green landscape that surrounds it. This volcanic lake, one of the largest in the world, is depicted from a high vantage point, offering a panoramic view of the expansive water body against the backdrop of rolling hills and traditional Batak houses dotting the shoreline. The clear, calm waters of the lake reflect the blue sky and fluffy white clouds above, creating a mirror-like effect. A small boat glides gently across the lake, adding a sense of peaceful motion to the scene. This artwork embodies the serene and majestic nature of Lake Toba, emphasizing its significance as a natural wonder and a cultural landmark in Indonesia.
A mystical painting of Mount Bromo in Indonesia, capturing the ethereal beauty of this active volcano at dawn. The scene is set with the volcano emitting a gentle plume of smoke, standing majestically against a backdrop of stars and the first light of dawn breaking on the horizon. The surrounding landscape is a mix of rugged terrain and soft mist, adding to the mystical atmosphere. Traditional Tenggerese houses can be seen in the distance, their lights twinkling in the early morning darkness. The foreground features the Sea of Sand, the vast volcanic sand plain that surrounds Mount Bromo, bathed in the soft, early morning light. This painting evokes the spiritual significance and natural wonder of Mount Bromo, a revered site in Indonesian culture.
A mystical painting of Mount Bromo in Indonesia, capturing the ethereal beauty of this active volcano at dawn. The scene is set with the volcano emitting a gentle plume of smoke, standing majestically against a backdrop of stars and the first light of dawn breaking on the horizon. The surrounding landscape is a mix of rugged terrain and soft mist, adding to the mystical atmosphere. Traditional Tenggerese houses can be seen in the distance, their lights twinkling in the early morning darkness. The foreground features the Sea of Sand, the vast volcanic sand plain that surrounds Mount Bromo, bathed in the soft, early morning light. This painting evokes the spiritual significance and natural wonder of Mount Bromo, a revered site in Indonesian culture.
印度尼西亚日惹塔曼纱丽水上城堡的历史画作,展示了其作为皇家花园的昔日辉煌。该场景描绘了这座建于 18 世纪的美丽宫殿建筑群中错综复杂的水池、水道和岛屿网络。该建筑融合了爪哇和葡萄牙风格,华丽的装饰和结构反映了当时的富裕。这幅画描绘了城堡充满活力的一天,皇家宫廷成员和当地市民享受郁郁葱葱的花园和凉爽的海水。背景是建筑群中令人印象深刻的建筑,包括沐浴区,阳光在场景上投下金色的色调。这件艺术品栩栩如生地展现了Taman Sari的历史和文化意义,Taman Sari曾经是日惹苏丹的休闲和精神度假胜地。
A historic painting of the Taman Sari Water Castle in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, showcasing its former glory as a royal garden. The scene depicts the intricate network of pools, waterways, and islands that made up this beautiful palace complex, built in the 18th century. The architecture is a blend of Javanese and Portuguese styles, with ornate decorations and structures that reflect the opulence of the time. The painting captures a vibrant day at the castle, with members of the royal court and local citizens enjoying the lush gardens and cool waters. The background features the impressive buildings of the complex, including the bathing areas, with the sun casting a golden hue over the scene. This artwork brings to life the historical and cultural significance of Taman Sari, once a place of leisure and spiritual retreat for the Sultan of Yogyakarta.
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