孟加拉人民共和国(英文:The People’s Republic of Bangladesh),简称孟加拉国,首都达卡,位于南亚次大陆东北部的恒河和布拉马普特拉河冲积而成的三角洲上。东、西、北三面与印度毗邻,东南与缅甸接壤,南临孟加拉湾。属亚热带季风气候,全境地势平坦,总面积147570平方千米,海岸线长550千米,全国划分为8个行政区,下设64个县。截至2022年6月,孟加拉国总人口约1.7亿,是一个多民族国家,主要民族为孟加拉族,伊斯兰教为国教。孟加拉语是孟加拉国的官方语言。
孟加拉国达卡的Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban的高清画作。这件艺术品捕捉了这座议会大楼在日落时分的独特建筑风格,强调了建筑的几何图案,与充满活力的天空相映成趣。周围郁郁葱葱的绿色植物和水景被突出显示,使其成为该国的重要地标。
A high-definition painting of the Jatiyo Sangsad Bhaban in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The artwork captures the unique architectural style of this parliamentary building at sunset, emphasizing the geometric patterns of the structure set against a vibrant sky. The surrounding lush greenery and water features are highlighted, presenting this as a key landmark of the country.
A high-definition painting of the Sixty Dome Mosque in Bagerhat, Bangladesh. This artwork shows the historic mosque at dusk, highlighting its ancient terracotta brick structure and the numerous domes that give it its name. The mosque is set in a tranquil environment with soft lighting illuminating its façade and the trees surrounding it, emphasizing its importance as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a significant landmark in Bangladesh.
孟加拉国达卡的阿赫桑·曼齐尔(Ahsan Manzil)的高清画作。这件艺术品展示了黄金时段的粉红色宫殿,其雄伟的建筑和前面的倒影池。这座宫殿曾经是达卡纳瓦布的住所,现在是一座博物馆。景观花园和游客四处走动的细节丰富了场景,说明了它目前作为受欢迎的旅游和文化地标的用途。
A high-definition painting of the Ahsan Manzil in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The artwork showcases the pink palace at golden hour, with its majestic architecture and reflective pool in front. The palace, once the residence of the Nawab of Dhaka, is now a museum. The scene is enriched with details of the landscaped gardens and visitors walking around, illustrating its current use as a popular tourist and cultural landmark.
A high-definition painting of the Sundarbans mangrove forest in Bangladesh. This artwork captures the dense and mysterious greenery of the world's largest mangrove forest, focusing on the water channels that snake through it. The scene includes a Bengal tiger on the bank, enhancing the wild and natural essence of this UNESCO World Heritage site. The painting conveys the serene yet formidable beauty of this famous scenic spot and tourist attraction.
A high-definition painting of the Kaptai Lake in Rangamati, Bangladesh. The artwork shows a panoramic view of the largest man-made lake in Bangladesh, featuring its vast blue waters surrounded by lush green hills. Small boats are scattered across the lake, with local fishermen at work. The serene atmosphere is captured with a soft light of late afternoon, emphasizing the natural beauty and peacefulness of this famous scenic spot in Bangladesh.
A high-definition painting of the Kaptai Lake in Rangamati, Bangladesh. The artwork shows a panoramic view of the largest man-made lake in Bangladesh, featuring its vast blue waters surrounded by lush green hills. Small boats are scattered across the lake, with local fishermen at work. The serene atmosphere is captured with a soft light of late afternoon, emphasizing the natural beauty and peacefulness of this famous scenic spot in Bangladesh.
A high-definition painting of the Lalbagh Fort in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This historic site is shown at sunset, emphasizing the Mughal architecture with its detailed red sandstone walls and lush gardens. Visitors are seen exploring the grounds, which include a mosque and a tomb, under a golden sky. This painting captures the essence of one of Bangladesh's famous historical sites, combining its rich history with the beauty of its preserved state.
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