塔吉克斯坦共和国(塔吉克语:Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон,英语:The Republic of Tajikistan),简称塔吉克斯坦,位于阿富汗、乌兹别克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和中国之间,是中亚五国中唯一主体民族非突厥族系的国家,也是中亚五国中国土面积最小的国家,人口975万(截至2022年6月),共有86个民族,其中塔吉克族约占80%,乌兹别克族占15.3%,俄罗斯族占1%,国土面积14.31万平方公里,全国分为3州1区1直辖市。
塔吉克斯坦经济基础相对薄弱,结构较为单一。1991年苏联解体后的政治经济危机以及多年内战使塔国民经济遭受严重破坏。从1997年开始经济逐步回暖,并从21世纪伊始发行新的货币,稳定并完善国家金融体系,塔吉克斯坦是集体安全条约组织、欧洲安全合作组织、北约“和平伙伴关系”计划、伊斯兰合作组织、上海合作组织、亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议成员国,2021年塔国内生产总值(GDP)为997亿索莫尼(约合87.5亿美元),同比增长9.2%,人均GDP约897美元 。
A detailed painting of Iskanderkul, a stunning alpine lake in Tajikistan named after Alexander the Great. The lake is surrounded by majestic snow-capped mountains, reflecting the serene blue and turquoise waters. The foreground features a wooden dock extending into the lake, with a couple of traditional Tajik rugs and cushions for visitors to sit and enjoy the view. Around the lake, lush greenery and wildflowers add vibrant colors to the scene. The sky is a clear azure, with a few fluffy clouds, creating a peaceful and idyllic setting that captures the natural beauty of Tajikistan.
A vibrant painting of the Pamir Highway, the second highest altitude international highway in the world, as it winds through the rugged landscapes of Tajikistan. The view captures the vast, barren mountains under a bright blue sky, dotted with small patches of greenery. A few vehicles are seen navigating the serpentine road, highlighting the human connection to this remote area. Alongside the road, traditional yurts and a small flock of grazing sheep add a touch of local culture and lifestyle. The painting encapsulates the awe-inspiring beauty and challenge of traversing the Pamir Mountains.
A painting capturing the historical and architectural beauty of the Hulbuk Palace ruins in Tajikistan. The scene is set during sunset, with the warm hues of orange and pink illuminating the ancient walls and remaining arches of this once-grand structure. In the foreground, the detailed stonework and intricate carvings of the palace ruins are visible, showcasing the skill of ancient Tajik craftsmen. The background features a landscape of rolling hills and sparse vegetation typical of the region, enhancing the sense of historical depth and timelessness. A few visitors are seen exploring the site, dwarfed by the scale of the ruins.
A mesmerizing painting of Lake Karakul, one of the highest and most scenic lakes in Tajikistan, nestled in the Pamir Mountains. The lake's deep blue waters contrast sharply with the surrounding rugged and snowy mountain peaks. The sky is a dramatic canvas of light and shadow, with storm clouds gathering over one part of the lake while the sun breaks through in another, casting golden rays over the water. A traditional Pamiri house, recognizable by its flat roof and white walls, stands on the shore, with a small group of locals gathered nearby, showcasing the serene and untouched beauty of this remote region.
An enchanting painting of the Fann Mountains, a famous scenic spot in Tajikistan, showcasing the area's breathtaking beauty. The mountains are depicted with their peaks covered in snow, towering over the emerald green waters of an alpine lake below. The scene is alive with the vibrant colors of wildflowers blooming along the lake's edge and the rich green of the pine trees that dot the landscape. A group of hikers can be seen on a trail, small in comparison to the grandeur of the natural surroundings. The sky is a brilliant blue with wispy clouds, enhancing the pristine and untouched feel of this majestic landscape.
A historical painting of the ancient city of Penjikent, located in Tajikistan, depicting its glory days as a flourishing center of culture and trade on the Silk Road. The bustling ancient city is shown with its vibrant market streets, filled with traders from diverse regions, selling spices, silk, and precious metals. The architecture reflects the rich cultural heritage, with ornate buildings and mosques featuring intricate tile work in shades of blue and turquoise. In the background, the ruins of the old city walls and the surrounding mountains give a sense of the city's strategic location. The scene is lively, with people dressed in traditional Silk Road era clothing, capturing the historical importance and cultural richness of Penjikent.
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