索马里联邦共和国(英语:The Federal Republic of Somalia),简称索马里,位于非洲大陆最东部的索马里半岛,拥有非洲大陆最长的海岸线,总面积637660平方公里,人口1544万(2019年),绝大多数是索马里族,又分萨马莱和萨布两大族系,首都摩加迪沙,全国分为18个州。
描绘日落时分的摩加迪沙灯塔,其历史建筑俯瞰印度洋。夕阳的金色光芒映照在水面上,小船在柔和的海浪中航行。该场景捕捉了自然的和平共处和索马里首都的持久遗产,突出了灯塔作为指导和希望的象征。画布大小为 1920x1080 像素。
Depict the Mogadishu Lighthouse at sunset, with the historic structure overlooking the Indian Ocean. The golden light of the setting sun reflects on the water, with small boats navigating the gentle waves. The scene captures the peaceful coexistence of nature and the enduring legacy of Somalia's capital city, highlighting the lighthouse as a symbol of guidance and hope. The canvas size is 1920x1080 pixels.
展示Laas Geel充满活力的岩石艺术,洞穴的墙壁上装饰着非洲之角一些已知最早的绘画。描绘晴朗明媚的一天,照亮错综复杂的牛、野生动物和人物画,反映古代人民的社区和灵性。周围的景观崎岖而美丽,体现了索马里遗产的永恒性。画布大小为 1920x1080 像素。
Showcase the vibrant rock art of Laas Geel, with the caves' walls adorned with some of the earliest known paintings in the Horn of Africa. Depict a clear, bright day, illuminating the intricate paintings of cattle, wild animals, and human figures, reflecting the community and spirituality of ancient peoples. The surrounding landscape is rugged, yet beautiful, embodying the timelessness of Somali heritage. The canvas size is 1920x1080 pixels.
索马里Laas Geel的美景,在明亮的蓝天下,展示了著名的洞穴群和古老的新石器时代岩石艺术。这件艺术品捕捉了红棕色的岩石景观,点缀着充满活力的绿色金合欢,以及探索历史遗迹的游客。重点是对洞穴壁画的详细描绘,描绘动物和人物,反映索马里最重要的旅游景点之一的丰富遗产和考古意义。
A scenic view of Laas Geel, Somalia, showcasing the famous complex of caves with ancient Neolithic rock art, under a bright blue sky. This artwork captures the reddish-brown rocky landscape dotted with vibrant green acacias, and visitors exploring the historical site. The focus is on the detailed depiction of the cave paintings, illustrating animals and human figures, reflecting the rich heritage and archaeological significance of one of Somalia's most important tourist attractions.
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